Prosecutor Hill joins Governor Daniels on Inspector General Bill
Announcement Date: 

On February 21, 2005 Prosecutor Hill joined forces with Governor Mitch Daniels in a press conference supporting House Bill 1002 creating a State Inspector General with broad powers to investigate and pursue the prosecution of alleged crimes and ethical violations in State Government.  The agency would also examine general wastes and mismanagement in government.  Prosecutor Hill, a board member of the Association of Prosecuting Attorney's of Indiana, described the Inspector General's agency as an investigatory arm of government that will discover and root out wrong doing by State employees. "This bill goes a long way toward restoring public confidence into our State government system and will strengthen the integrity of State government by providing means to police itself and hold wrong doers accountable for their violations of trust.  Prosecutors are on board to do the heavy lifting and are in support of the Governor's initiative through House Bill 1002." said Hill.  The bill is currently making its way through the Indiana General Assembly.