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The convicted felons list contains information on criminal defendants ORIGINALLY SENTENCED IN ELKHART COUNTY COURTS FOR FELONY CONVICTIONS FROM JANUARY 2003 TO PRESENT. The information contained in this list may not be a complete list of all convicted felons for this time period. Convictions on this list may be subject to modification by the Court at a later date. This list is not warranted for accuracy. For verification of any portion of the information listed here, contact the appropriate clerk's office. 


Circuit Court Clerk's Office: (574) 535-6429 - For cause numbers beginning with 20C01 

Superior Courts 1 & 2: (574) 523-2233 - For cause numbers beginning with 20D01 & 20D02

Superior Court 3: (574) 535-6445 - For cause numbers beginning with 20D03

Superior Court 4: (574) 535-6406 - For cause numbers beginning with 20D04

Superior Court 5: (574) 523-2305 - For cause numbers beginning with 20D05

Superior Court 6: (574) 523-2001 - For cause numbers beginning with 20D06